Waar de bus ons brengt – Where the bus takes us
project with Peter Spaans
Bus route line 20
The number 20 bus has the longest route in Arnhem, with 69 stops in 21 districts. The route was planned with the aim of connecting as many districts as possible, and it takes in amenities like shopping centers, homes for the elderly, and hospitals. During Sonsbeek 9 the number 20 bus provides the connection between the three locations of the exhibitions. Our contribution to Sonsbeek 9 began with this bus route. We got out at all 69 stops, looked at the surroundings and took photographs. In doing so we focused our attention on two things: the given facts of the architecture, and alongside this everything that has come about through personal intervention. The reason for this was that in our experience the fleeting encounters made during a bus journey can give the impression that everything is the same, yet when one gets off, each place turns out to have an individuality brought about by an interweaving of town planning and individual behaviour.
Remark: the book is part of the Sonsbeek 9, Locus Focus exhibition in Arnhem NL